My favorite kind of day

It’s snowy outside, I’m listening to oldies on the stereo, I’ve got peppermint mocha coffee in hand, and I get to write and research all day, sans kids. Well, until about 2:00 at least.

I’ve got to write some more about James now. I worry about him, constantly. He just seems to have no motivation to do anything; and honestly, this isn’t a new thing. He’s been like this since the second grade.

I just wish that he could see that he could be truly exceptional if he wanted to be. If he decided to get off the stick and just DO IT.

If his grades continue to slide the way they are, we’re going to have to consider other options, education-wise. Dean says a big no to homeschooling, and I tend to agree with him, since James fights me in everything. But I wonder if we got him something that was totally self-regulated if he would rediscover his love of learning.

I don’t know. He just seems to be coasting aimlessly; he’s angry about this and doesn’t realize it.

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