Archive for June, 2008

What do you say?

June 20, 2008

We’ve had Madison now for about a week, and after a long day of playing today (along with bickering with cousin Emma – argh), this is what I hear when I put them down for bed:

“I miss my Mom.”

She cried for about five minutes, deep sobs that you don’t normally hear from little seven year old girls. This isn’t just homesickness; Maddy’s mom is in rehab for drugs (meth, pot, you name it), just tested positive for Hep. C, and has a few felonies she’s going to have to deal with. She hasn’t had Madison for years, sees her very rarely, and there is little chance that she’s ever going to be a full-time mom to Madison.

Yet she misses her. What do you do? What do you say?

I know all I could do was cry right along with her, rub her back, and whisper “it’s okay. it’s okay.”