Archive for November, 2006

I got a new hairdo today

November 30, 2006

For many years, I’ve had extremely long hair that is also extremely thick. Sounds good, huh? Well, actually, it SUCKS, mostly because my hair has this uncanny ability to go straight into my mouth. At all times. Or, the best thing: if you’re rolling up your window, the hair will get stuck in the window, creating a kind of comical effect until you realize that your hair is STUCK IN THE WINDOW OF A MOVING CAR.

So, today, I got my hair cut, radically. Well, for me, anyway. I have a lot of natural curl, and my friend just ripped that hiding little bastid right out of his hole. Honestly – I haven’t felt this good about myself in years! I look awesome!

Now to lose 50 pounds by March for SXSW. Good mood…slipping away…

It's cold as hell and I don't have to take it anymore!

November 29, 2006

Right now, at this moment, it’s about 25 degrees outside. My hands are so cold that it’s hard to type. So here’s the strategy:

Go upstairs and put bathrobe on.
Make more coffee. Drink coffee.
Possibly put large snow hat on as well.
Turn heat up.

That’s it.

It’s cold as hell and I don’t have to take it anymore!

November 29, 2006

Right now, at this moment, it’s about 25 degrees outside. My hands are so cold that it’s hard to type. So here’s the strategy:

Go upstairs and put bathrobe on.
Make more coffee. Drink coffee.
Possibly put large snow hat on as well.
Turn heat up.

That’s it.

My favorite kind of day

November 28, 2006

It’s snowy outside, I’m listening to oldies on the stereo, I’ve got peppermint mocha coffee in hand, and I get to write and research all day, sans kids. Well, until about 2:00 at least.

I’ve got to write some more about James now. I worry about him, constantly. He just seems to have no motivation to do anything; and honestly, this isn’t a new thing. He’s been like this since the second grade.

I just wish that he could see that he could be truly exceptional if he wanted to be. If he decided to get off the stick and just DO IT.

If his grades continue to slide the way they are, we’re going to have to consider other options, education-wise. Dean says a big no to homeschooling, and I tend to agree with him, since James fights me in everything. But I wonder if we got him something that was totally self-regulated if he would rediscover his love of learning.

I don’t know. He just seems to be coasting aimlessly; he’s angry about this and doesn’t realize it.

What to do with the middle school moods

November 28, 2006

James gave me some lip again this morning; he’s just bought himself a week of early bedtimes.

I go back and forth with this kid. He’s wonderful, he’s funny, he’s doing okay in all the things that really count.

But then there’s the D in math that he just doesn’t really care about, there’s the never hanging around with anyone his own age, and there’s the deep, deep anger at something I can’t figure out.

What happened to my easy kid? picture-040.jpg


November 27, 2006

I’ve decided to make some changes in my life.

The phrase that keeps running through my head is this: “I dwell in possibility.”

I discovered this last week that many of my actions are dictated by fear.


I’m scared of being extremely poor again…so poor that we had to dig in the dumpster behind Albertson’s for leftover food. So I work way too much.

I’m scared of not being included. In any group. ANY group.

I’m scared everytime I get in the car with my whole family and go further then five miles that we will get in a horrific accident. In fact, that’s something I’ve struggled with for literally years and I’m starting to become kind of a hermit.

I’m scared that I will be alone.

I’m terrified that my Henry will never have a chance to get out of the 22q deletion shell that he’s in, and live a productive life.

I’m scared that my children will look back and only remember Momma saying “no” or “not right now.”

But here’s the thing:

I’m really, really, tired of being scared. I don’t want to live like this anymore. And so here are a few of the changes I’m going to make:

I’m going to say “yes” a LOT more often.

I’m going to be more outgoing and make a conscious effort to connect with people. This is very, very hard for me. I have friends, but I need to gather these people closer to me.

I’m going to stop being so scared. Somehow.


November 27, 2006

snow.png Oh, boy! It’s SNOWING! I’m listening to Bing Crosby Christmas tunes, it’s snowing, and we’re supposed to get a LOT!!!



November 27, 2006

snow.png Oh, boy! It’s SNOWING! I’m listening to Bing Crosby Christmas tunes, it’s snowing, and we’re supposed to get a LOT!!!


A new name for Home Depot

November 18, 2006

Henry: Is Daddy going to Homo Depot today?

Me: To Homo Depot?

Henry: Yeah, Homo Depot. Is he going there today? To Homo Depot, Momma?

Me: (muffled laughter) I think so, baby.

It's house cleaning day

November 18, 2006

Oh Joyful Day of Happy Wondrousness!

It’s house-cleaning day at the MomSpeak Ranch, and do we have some fun times planned. There will be:

Surreptitious Napping!
More Whining!

And then by about 3 PM I’ll probably poop out and sit down and read my current book, “nothing much just chillin”, a look into the hidden world of middle-schoolers. It’s actually one of the better books I’ve read on this age group, if you have a 12-14 year old, I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s absolutely riveting.